The GEDmatch Team
Free Tools Releases Bug Fixes

March Roundup: Standalone Relationship Probability tool, mitoYDNA integration, and more

AUTHOR: The GEDmatch Team

We have had a busy month in March with our team rolling out a standalone version of Brit Nicholson's relationship probability tool. Our first integration with these relationship probabilities was in Tier 1 One-to-Many results match list. Now, this free tool is accessible to all users where anyone can enter a total shared cM value to see the possible relationships.

Also, we have made it possible to allow GEDmatch users to enter their mitoYDNA ID for their mitochondrial DNA results into GEDmatch, and allow male GEDmatch users to enter their mitoYDNA ID for their Y chromosome results into GEDmatch. Links to these users' mitoYDNA profiles are now visible in all GEDmatch One-to-Many match result tables.

4 additional improvements to site tools

Our team continually is squashing bugs and making incremental site improvements. Here's what else the team delivered for you this month:

  • Triangulation fixes to handle primary kits with specific issues as well as GEDCOM/family tree discrepancies

  • MKA Amatrix update to add single segment minimum cM threshold

  • Expanded error handling for AutoKinship along with fix for certain superkits

  • DNA upload form usability improvements

Get going today

Ready to try out the Relationship Probability Tool? We understand! Here's how to use it:

Head over to GEDmatch and login.

In the main nav bar under Free Tools, you'll see a link for Relationship Probability:

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Click that link and you'll be taken to the new tool. On that screen, simply enter in the total shared cM value for one of your matches to see the relationship probabilities! Here is what the results look like for 125 shared cM:

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Our new mitoYDNA integration does require that you have taken an mtDNA or Y-DNA test and that you have set up a free profile at mitoYDNA. Once you have uploaded your kits on mitoYDNA and have your kit IDs, you can then add those mitoYDNA kit IDs to the appropriate fields on the GEDmatch Edit Kit page.

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You will also find these same fields on the DNA Upload form when uploading new kits.

As more GEDmatch users setup mitoYDNA profiles and update their GEDmatch kits with mitoYDNA profile IDs, you will soon start to see links to the mitoYDNA profiles in the One-To-Many results, like this:

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Clicking those links will take you to the mitoYDNA profile page for that kit (once you login to your mitoYDNA account, of course!).

If you want to learn more about mitoYDNA and the tools offered on their site, we highly recommend their YouTube channel here:

Note: these new features are only available on and not

Have any questions?

Questions or concerns about anything we’ve rolled out this month? As always, our support team is available through our support ticketing system or by sending an email to

You can also join the community-run Facebook GEDmatch User Group to engage in the community and ask questions! There are many knowledgeable and helpful individuals there that are actively involved in discussions on using GEDmatch.

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